9 Kasım 2013 Cumartesi


I watched "Gravity" yesterday.
A film by Alfonso Cuarón, starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. 
You have to watch it. 
Its breathtaking. 
Feeling like there is no gravity for 1.5 hours. 
Gravity, the force that pulls you to life on earth. 
So you are seperated from the reality for 120 mins.  
Your feet not touching the ground. 
Your body drifting from side to side. 
That's how I felt. 
I've always had interest in space. 
I've always been amazed- for how space is "everything" and "nothing"
Its everything because, its the only explanation for how we have came to be. 
Its nothing because we've not yet discovered any other life than ours. 
The space, the endless space, is the only place that we can escape from the earth. 
To escape from the chaos. To calm down, out of the rush. Just a face, yet looking to trillions of faces. Just one life,  yet looking to trillions of lifes- when you are on space. Thats what it is. You. Its only you. And compared to the universe, you are just a tiny bit. A tiny bit, whos trying to rule its tiny world. Earth, compared to the universe- is nothing yet its everything to us. 
But still- i would like to go to space. Just to relax, and you know- chill out. Just to make sure that life is not an illusion, which i sometimes think it is. 

Ps no "taken by me" picture here. That will be added when I go to space, hopefully. I can't give a precise time for that, but the composition of the picture will be a tiny earth from my camera. Just imagine the picture for the timebeing, until i finally have a chance to upload the real one. Xx

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