26 Aralık 2013 Perşembe

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas to you all! I've been listening to Christmas songs all week long- and to be honest they put me in the 'holiday mood' a lot! I just love the Christmas spirit, lights, joy, happiness! I can't believe that 2013 has come to an end! Hope you conclude 2013 with an amazing week while we welcome 2014 with our 'warm hearts'. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

My Christmas Playlist:

  1. Kelly Clarkson- Wrapped in Red (this album was out this year and I love it!)
  2. She & Him - A Very She & Him Christmas ( Sleigh Ride/Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree/Baby, It's Cold Outside are my favorites- they are so cute!)
  3. Christina Perri- A Very Merry Perri Christmas (Happy Xmas/Please Come Home For Christmas/Something About December)
  4. Colbie Caillat- Christmas In The Sand(Christmas in The Sand/Jingle Bells)
  5. Lady Antebellum- On This Winter's Night(A Holly Jolly Christmas)

13 Aralık 2013 Cuma


#itsallabout #hashtags #somethingthatis #sometimessoannoying #meaningless#and #stupid #forinstance #whatsthemeaningof #writingsomething #inhashtags #justtokeepup #withthe'others' #chilloutsista #you #aint #need #hastags #to #use #slang #betchyoucan #use #them #without #hashtags #too #so #just #stop #please 
"#YOSIS"#seewhatididthere #yo #didthesamenowtoo #bro 


11 Aralık 2013 Çarşamba


They suck the life out of us. 
I don't know who they are. But they do. 
And they do this with such a pleausure. 
Staring at age 4. 
We are introduced to "school."
Without knowing the real purpose of it, we are sent by "grown ups" to places called "schools."
Its no big deal at first. 
Friends, colors, play-times. 
Its fun indeed. 
Then, for some what reason, age 6 is when you start "serious" job. You write, read. Although "they" miss the point that not everyone is ready at the same age. 
We are all different. 
Its nice at first. 
You are excited- growing up must be fun. 
Appears that it isn't that fun. 
Serious people, more than ambitious students, "exams", deadlines... They all hit you hard. 
Well, to be honest here, they didn't hit me that hard. I was prepared. So were my friends. But being prepared was what "they" expected from us. As time passed, It became a routine- all exams, deadlines, serious people....
When the routine is the same every day and even every year, there is a problem. 
Thats not called living. 
Stuck inside many walls for 8 hours. 
I don't HATE school. Its just that I believe there are some misconseptions about "education" I must be educated but I must have time for my 'talents' too. 
I must have time to go to places that I never been before. 
I must wake up with a smile on my face, saying, "today is a great day because...." But when all days are the same, its no fun. 
The fact that "monday" is considered a "terrible" day as the majority is a keen evidence of lifes monotonuos. Mondays must not be the same for everyone- there must be something that'll make you like it. 
we must work. 
We must learn. 
Yes, i understand that. 
But the monotonous must change. 
We must be protagonists of our own stories... 
Thats how we can make a change.